Advent of Code 2023 Using Pharo Smalltalk Day 3

This was a busy week and I was unable to make a single post throughout the week. This however, does not mean I have abandoned AoC. I will try to catch up but I should mention that finishing everyday was not the goal to begin with, the goal for me is to learn Pharo while doing as many puzzles as I can. Part 1 Sample input for part 1 is :...

December 10, 2023 · 10 min · Nisar Ahmad

Advent of Code 2023 Using Pharo Smalltalk Day 2

Yesterday’s solution already looks facepalm worthy even though its been only 24 hours since. Hopefully today’s parsing code will be better. Let’s do this. Day 2 - Part 1 Sample input for the first part is : Game 1: 3 blue, 4 red; 1 red, 2 green, 6 blue; 2 green Game 2: 1 blue, 2 green; 3 green, 4 blue, 1 red; 1 green, 1 blue Game 3: 8 green, 6 blue, 20 red; 5 blue, 4 red, 13 green; 5 green, 1 red Game 4: 1 green, 3 red, 6 blue; 3 green, 6 red; 3 green, 15 blue, 14 red Game 5: 6 red, 1 blue, 3 green; 2 blue, 1 red, 2 green The games are numbered and each game has multiple sets separated by ; with colored cubes taken from a bag....

December 2, 2023 · 5 min · Nisar Ahmad

Advent of Code 2023 Using Pharo Smalltalk Day 1

I will do this year’s Advent of Code challeges in Pharo Smalltalk. Let’s see how far I can go with it. Day 1 - Part 1 Here is the sample input for the first part of the puzzle: 1abc2 pqr3stu8vwx a1b2c3d4e5f treb7uchet Our task here is to extract the first digit and the last digit to form a single two digit number. For the four sample lines, these numbers will be 12, 38, 15, and 77....

December 1, 2023 · 5 min · Nisar Ahmad